Tag: Facebook

  • PauseTalk Coming Up

    It’s still a couple of weeks away, but since I’ve had a few people ask me, yes, following a 2-month hiatus, PauseTalk will be back next month (Vol. 47), happening on the first Monday of the month as usual (in this case, February 7). I’ll send the regular Facebook reminder a few days before it…

  • JeanSnow.net Page on Facebook

    As you get towards the end of the year, it’s usually a time to reassess the way you do some things, and one thing I’ve decided to do is to take my personal Facebook account and make it just that, personal. For the past year or so I’ve just been adding whoever sends me a…

  • Where to Find Me

    Every month or so, Warren Ellis puts out a post on his site in which he explains where you can find him on the web and elsewhere — sort of a monthly updated FAQ on what he’s up to — and I figure I should do one as well, since I’m sure that someone who…

  • EGMi on Facebook

    Been meaning to mention this for a while now, but a few weeks ago EGM launched a Facebook app version of their weekly digital-only EGMi. The magazine itself hasn’t changed at all, it’s just a way to have it live inside Facebook — you can pop it out as you can on EGMi’s regular site.…

  • Commenting, The Next Step

    A while back I announced that I would be removing the commenting system on this site, instead inviting readers to contribute comments either through Twitter or Facebook. The result? I can’t say that the number of “replies” I get on Twitter has noticeably increased much, but since it’s not like this site was getting a…