Tag: Comics

  • The Legacy of Luther Strode

    I guess there’s been a few Luther Strode mini-series already, and this is apparently the final one, and the first one I’m reading. I’m still not quite sure what this story is all about, but I don’t care, because the reason I jumped in was because a friend of mine mentioned that Tradd Moore was…

  • This One Summer

    This is a graphic novel I’ve been meaning to read for what feels like forever, and I finally got around to it today, and wow. I can’t begin to describe how much I enjoyed this, and how much I was so completely sucked in, with the 300 pages just flying by. In a way, it’s…

  • Marvel Star Wars Comics

    I’ve been enjoying pretty much all of the Star Wars comics from Marvel since they launched earlier this year – the recent Lando mini-series was especially good – and with all of the excitement for the upcoming release of The Force Awakens, I decided to read the only two series from the Marvel books I…

  • Favorite Media of 2014

    In what has become an annual tradition – I’ve done it for the past 4 years, although those posts are now all lost to the ether due to my big server shutdown of 2014 – I like to end the year with a big post that goes through my favorite media of the year. This…

  • Deadly Class

    Last night was all about taking in some of Rick Remender’s creator-owned work, and after getting sucked into Black Science, I then plowed through Deadly Class, which I enjoyed just as much. I love how it combines a realistic down-and-out (and inspired by his own life) background for the characters, tacked on top of an over-the-top…

  • Black Science

    I know I’m late to the party on this (there are now 7 issues out), but wow, I think this is my new favorite comic series. It’s astounding how fun a read this is, with some of the best and craziest cliffhangers I’ve seen, and constant surprises/twists in terms of where things are going –…

  • Smoke and Mirrors

    Well, episode 2 of The Wolf Among Us is just as good as the first one was, and I loved the fuck out of that. This game just looks so beautiful on iPad – my platform of choice for all Telltale games – and I’m still really digging the story and the characters. As big…

  • Sex Criminals

    The main reason I started this Tumblr blog about a year ago was because I wanted to keep track of the media I consume, and also to make it easier to refer to what I enjoyed the most throughout the year, when it comes to writing up my “favorite media of the year” post, that…

  • The Walking Dead

    I have a love-hate relationship with The Walking Dead TV series. At times I like it, at times I think it’s boring as shit. But I keep coming back – probably due to my continued love of the comics and the Telltale game – and in the end I’m glad I do. This past weekend…

  • Arrow

    I wasn’t particularly interested in checking out this show when it first started, thinking it was just cheesy, but a friend of mine kept saying how good it was, and so I finally decided to dig into the first season, and I must say, I’m having a lot of fun watching it so far. I’m…