Tag: Codex
Winding Down the Year, Prepping for the New
As the year winds down to a close, it’s always the time where I start to re-think everything I’m doing, and what I should be doing in the new year. After all, it was around this time that I was prepping for the launch of SNOW Magazine (it went live towards the end of January),…
Codex 11
It’s Christmas Eve, and so what better time to record a new episode of the Codex (11). It’s my “favorite tracks of 2010” episode, based on what I listed in my recent “Favorite Media of 2010” post. As I explain in the show, it’s impossible for me to really say what my absolute favorite tracks…
Codex 10, the Christmas Episode
As I mentioned yesterday when I posted episode 9 of the Codex, it’s only after I was done that I thought it would be a good idea to do a Christmas episode, and I wanted to get it done as soon as possible. Here we are then, an extra-sized holiday episode with 20 yuletide tunes…
Codex 09
Following last week’s special two-parter (episodes 7 and 8), Codex is back this week with a regular episode. After I was done recording it occurred to me that maybe I should have done a Christmas episode, and so since I’d like to get that out at least a few days before the C-day, I’ll try…
Praying Mantis Style
Hey, you lazy blogger, aren’t you doing anything? If you think I’ve suddenly dropped everything, I would remind you to check (and often) my other little web publications that do get a lot of love throughout the week: SNOW Magazine and The Magaziner. It’s amazing the amount of attention the latter has gotten — more…