Tag: Codex

  • Codex 29 and 30

    It’s a double dose of Codex episodes tonight, recorded back-to-back. First is 29, a regular show, and then 30, which is the all jazz show I’ve been promising to do.

  • SNOW Magazine on Indefinite Hiatus

    As you’ll notice if you visit SNOW Magazine right now, I’ve decided to put the site on indefinite hiatus. I’ve been quite embarrassed by the lack of updates to the site over the last few months, and I think it’s just better to have it go on leave for a while, instead of the lame…

  • Codex 28

    As promised, I’m catching up to my slow start in May with already a brand new episode of the Codex (28), a mix of old and new, ready for download now.

  • Codex 27

    I’m a bit late with the first Codex of May, but hey, it’s here, better late than never. Also, I’ll be playing catch up to make sure that at least 4 episodes are done by the end of the month.

  • Codex 26

    A new episode of the Codex (26) is up for your listening consumption. And in other Codex news, I think I’m going to try and record an episode at the upcoming PauseTalk Vol. 50 (on May 9), if the tech allows it (meaning, if I can record it while having it all play on the…

  • PauseTalk Vol. 49

    I’d like to once again thank everyone who made it to PauseTalk Vol. 49 at Cafe Pause earlier this month — it was held on April 4. I remember a lot of great discussions going on, and although it mostly focused on the Japan Earthquake and its aftermath, I think it still fit the bill as a…

  • Codex 25

    Just recorded a new episode of the Codex (25), and it’s ready for downloading and listening. Also, while I was recording I think I had an idea on something I want to do with the show in the near future, and it involves one of my other projects. More on that — if I can…

  • Codex 24

    I needed to take a little break from all the Inspire Japan preparations, and so decided to suddenly record a new episode of the Codex (24) — here it is.