Tag: blade runner
Blade Runner
Following The Fifth Element, the second part of last night’s double bill was a re-watching of Blade Runner — I watched the 2007 “Final Cut” edition. It’s just astounding that a film that was made 35 years ago still looks as groundbreaking and slick as it it did back then — which just goes to show…
When the Night Comes
One of the things I love about Tokyo is how you come across these interesting juxtapositions of old and modern. It’s usually why sci-fi settings that take inspiration from Tokyo (like Blade Runner) feel so interesting and alive. Photo by Sean Brecht, found on Canvas.
I really, really liked this movie. I’d say it’s the closest to a Blade Runner I’ve seen since, well, Blade Runner. It has a similar vibe and presentation of the future, mixed in with some classic Asimov robot “directives.” And there’s something really haunting and emotional about the way they portray the robots, despite the…
Remember Me
So far I both love and hate this game. What I love the most is the world its set in, a futuristic Neo-Paris that is Blade Runner-esque in the best sense. It’s a joy to explore this city. I also really dig the interface, the cybernetics that you use to interact in the world, as…