Tag: animator
Working in Anime
Kotaku has a great interview up with Tokyo-based Thomas Romain, a French person who has been working in the Japanese anime industry for over a decade, and who shares his experience. As we all know by now, it’s a tough industry to make a living in (low pay, long hours) — and the interview reflects…
Hirune Hime
I mentioned the other day in my 2017 winter anime post that I was interested in the upcoming movie Hirune Hime: Shiranai Watashi no Monogatari. Out on March 18, a trailer was released recently, and it looks great. What got my interested at first is the fact that Christophe Ferreira — a French animator working…
The Latest from Toco Toco
I haven’t posted about Toco Toco recently, but it continues to be one of my favorite web series, and so let me remind you that you should really check it out if you’re on the lookout for a beautifully produced series of documentary shorts covering Tokyo creatives. The last 3 episodes cover accessory designer KAE,…
Christophe Ferreira
I came across this interview (in French) with Tokyo-based Christophe Ferreira, a French person who works in the Japanese animation industry. It’s interesting to hear him talk about how he got his start — a difficult one, considering the incredibly low wages he received as someone starting out — and to see how he managed…