Tag: 3ds

  • Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon

    I’d been wanting to play this for such a long time, and last week’s eShop sale gave me the perfect excuse to do so. This game is just so much fun, and I’m constantly wowed by the entire presentation, particularly the sound design – it’s an absolute joy to hear Luigi hum the soundtrack, as…

  • Super Smash Bros. 3DS

    As I think I’ve mentioned before, I’m not a big fan of fighting games – the only one I remember really loving a lot was Power Stone – and although I know that the Smash games have a reputation for being more friendly (in terms of the controls), I still have never really played them…

  • Azure Striker Gunvolt

    Having so many friends excited for this game – when it was released earlier this month in Japan – got me excited for it too, and I’m really glad I picked it up. It’s a 2D Mega Man-like action platformer, and yes, it’s fun to play, and it also has a cool cyberpunk setting –…

  • Shovel Knight

    Imagine an NES game, but done if the NES had kept evolving a few more years. I’m having a blast playing this, and I’m doing so mostly playing it on the Wii U controller – there’s also a 3DS version, but since I play even my 3DS games at home, I figured the Wii U…

  • Resident Evil Revelations

    I picked this up on 3DS last week because it was on sale for $10, and I’m sure glad I did. I have a hit-and-miss relationship with the series: I have fond memories of playing the first one, and maybe a bit of the second one, the last one I really enjoyed playing was Code…

  • Pushmo World

    I am completely new to the Pushmo series, having never played the two 3DS games (Pushmo and Crashmo), but after seeing some really positive reviews for Pushmo World, out for the Wii U, I decided to give it a try. I’m sure glad I did. I don’t play a whole lot of puzzle games, but…

  • Tomodachi Life

    Boy am I having fun with this game. I still remember teasing a lot of my friends here who were excited for the Japanese edition when it came out last year, and this is what happened. So after seeing the super silly (and funny) trailer that Nintendo released when they announced that it would come…

  • Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball

    I got this when it first came out a couple of months ago, but just realized I never ended up mentioning it here. It’s an interesting little game for the 3DS – it’s a free download, and you buy baseball-themed mini-games inside, 10 in all. The really interesting part is that when it comes to…