Tag: 1987

  • No Way Out

    I used to really like watching political thrillers (like the Tom Clancy movies, and stuff produced by Mace Newfeld, like this movie) and I had good memories of this movie. It starts off on the cheesy side — imagine a romance similar to what you get in Top Gun — but by the time the…

  • Mannequin

    I was quite looking forward to watching this — sure, I didn’t think it would be anything amazing, but I remembered it being fun, in the same way that Weird Science is. I’d completely forgotten that James Spader was in this too — so make that two movies they did together in 1987, the other…

  • The Hidden

    When I added this to my list of 1987 films to watch, I thought I’d never seen it, but as I was watching it I started getting a sense of having seen it (I started recognizing some sequences and character faces). I think this is a pretty entertaining movie, and Kyle MacLachlan is fun and…

  • Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise

    The first Revenge of the Nerds movie was one of my favorite comedies when I was a kid (meaning countless viewings), and so based on that alone at the time I’m sure I watched the sequel a whole bunch of times too (which is probably why I remembered so many of the lines). Is Nerds…

  • Wall Street

    This is still a pretty entertaining movie, and after watching it it actually made me want to re-watch the sequel that came out a few years ago — I’ve seen that sequel, and don’t remember thinking it was particularly great, but having the original fresh in my mind I’m more interested now in seeing the…

  • Less Than Zero

    I was reminded while watching this how strange it is that I enjoy so many movies that are based on novels by Bret Easton Ellis, yet I’ve never read any of his novels (I really should rectify this). But it doesn’t change that this was a movie that I loved back then, and still really…

  • Full Metal Jacket

    This is still and amazing film. This is the point in the 80s where we get a lot of movies about Vietnam (Platoon in ’86, and for ’87 you also have Good Morning, Vietnam and Hamburger Hill), and this is probably my favorite. It still feels like you have two films here, the first half…

  • The Running Man

    The funniest thing about watching this is that it starts out in the futuristic year of… 2017 (at the start of the film, and then it jumps to 2019). This film is filled with an ungodly amount of cheese, and it’s still and absolute joy to watch. From the genius casting of Richard Dawson —…