Tag: 1967
Like it’s 1967
After I finished my recent 1985 movie marathon, I wanted to do another one, but for a year of film that would feel very different. I picked 1967 for the simple reason that it marks a 50 year jump, and I thought it would be interesting to revisit movies of that era that I watched…
This is one of those classic movies that I’ve often heard about, but had never gotten around to watching. It’s definitely a strange piece of moviemaking, feeling much more like an experimental film than something that got a mainstream release — there’s no proper narrative, it just follows scenes loosely connected by space, of various…
Fantomas Contre Scotland Yard
After I decided to do a 1967 movie marathon and started looking at what films had come out that year, I was super excited when I saw that this was a 1967 release. I loved watching Louis de Funes movies when I was a kid, and this was my favorite one, and I watched it…
The Graduate
Of all the 1967 movies I’ve watched during this marathon (which I’m capping at 10), if I had to chose the best, it would be a tie between this and Belle de Jour. The Graduate was even better than I remembered, not only with a story that is still fun to follow, but with cinematography…
Bonnie and Clyde
The thing that I found so strange about this movie is just how wacky it is — most of the characters, including the two mains, are constantly played over-the-top, which for some reason I wasn’t expecting, this being a sorta biopic and all. I liked it so-so, but for me the absolute best moment was…
In Like Flint
I’ve been meaning to check out the Flint movies (Our Man Flint, In Like Flint) for quite a while, and just somehow never got around to it. Since the sequel came out in 1967 (and so part of my current movie marathon), it gave me the opportunity to finally watch one, aaaand… I really disliked…
Les Demoiselles de Rochefort
I can definitely enjoy a good musical — my issue with Moana was that I didn’t like the songs — and Les Demoiselles de Rochefort (The Young Girls of Rochefort) is truly a classic. By the director of Les Parapluies de Cherbourg (The Umbrellas of Cherbourg), it features a fantastic soundtrack, but more than that,…
Casino Royale
The last time I watched this movie was when I was a kid, and I remember hating it. Sure, it’s a Bond film, but it’s a parody of one, and I just didn’t get it. Re-watching it now, I still hate it. I just don’t find it funny at all, and nothing in it makes…