Tag: 007
Bond 25
I am indeed a huge Bond fan, have been one my whole life, so you can imagine my excitement this week when I learned that they were going to have a live stream to announce details about the upcoming Bond film, 25th in the series. It’s something they also did for the previous film, Spectre,…
The Story Behind You Only Live Twice
Bond fanatic that I am, seeing this article in the Japan Times about the making of You Only Live Twice sure put a big smile on my face — it coincides with the 50th anniversary of the film’s release in Japan. Makes me want to watch it yet again (even though I re-watched it last…
Never Say Never Again
I’m a huge Bond fanatic, but I had somehow missed the fact that today is apparently considered Bond Day, marking the anniversary of Dr. No, released on October 5, 1962. Even though I’ve watched each Bond film dozens of times, I keep watching them, and recently I’ve been on a new viewing run, watching them…