Category: Tokyo Boy

  • December Gonna Be December

    So following the return of my regular blogging here, November marked the first dip in number of posts — down to 62 from the previous month’s 85. I don’t think it’s a sign of anything in particular, probably just didn’t have as much time to devote to writing posts. One thing I am looking forward…

  • Charisma Blogger

    My buddy CheapyD uncovered this old photo of us, posing with Danny Choo and Andrew Shuttleworth, at an event in Tokyo back in 2009 (CGM Night, which had to do with online content creation, but I can’t remember what the “CGM” stood for). I just find it funny to be described as a “Charisma blogger.”…

  • 2008 and Down

    In my continuing archival work on this site, I hit a big milestone last night, in that I finished April 2008, which is pretty much the last time I regularly hit a month with 80+ posts — it only happens again a couple of times in November/December of 2009 for some reason. I think the…

  • Reaching 2007

    The momentous landmark I reached last weekend was that I finally finished 2006, when it comes to fixing old posts — and I managed to do a big dent in 2007 this weekend, getting through January-May. The reason it takes so long is that I’m pretty much going in every single post, either to fix the…

  • For Honor Alpha in Japan

    It’s been incredibly exciting for me this week to see our game, For Honor, get a live debut in Japan through our Alpha event that kicked off yesterday — following a similar event in North America and Europe last month. To all my friends in Japan, if you’d like to play the game, it’s available now…

  • 7500

    With this post that I put up on Friday, the site reached the rather handsome sum of 7500 posts (this very post is #7505). I’ve never really paid attention to the number of overall posts on the site, but I just happened to notice this number in the WordPress admin dashboard, and thought it was worth…

  • Website Plumage

    As I continue to go through and fix my archives — I didn’t do much over the past couple of weeks, but yesterday managed to get through a few more months in 2006 — I find it interesting to get glimpses of the various themes I used on the website over the years (courtesy of the Wayback…

  • Back to the 70s

    Well, it’s now October, and as you can tell, I’m still blogging quite regularly here. What started off as a throwback to what this site was like before has now awakened a muscle I hadn’t used in ages — that’s the blogging muscle — and it’s getting pumped and enjoying being in use again. In…