Category: TV
Atami no Sousakan
I’m not a big fan of Japanese dramas in general, but there are the occasional series that I like to follow, usually something that my wife has been really enjoying. I would include Trick and Jikou Keisatsu in that bunch, and now Atami no Sousakan. Atami is a new Twin Peaks-ish mystery produced by the…
Jonze Directs Pitt for Softbank
Brad Pitt has been in tons of TV commercials for mobile provider Softbank, but it’s interesting to note that his latest ad — you can watch it here — in which he plays assistant to retired sumo wrestler Musashimaru was directed by Spike Jonze. Via Slashfilm.
Get That Hot Pepper Out of My Head
This is a commercial that’s been airing recently on TV for the discount/coupon free paper Hot Pepper, featuring Kaela Kimura and Snoopy. I post it because I see it all the time, and am now at a point where it plays automatically in my head when idle. Via Japan Probe.
Uniqlo Parka Style CM
I’ve seen it countless times on TV, but I still get a kick out of the latest Uniqlo CM — I especially like the bit with NOMOTO Karia singing Readymade style.
More on Nishizawa
In case you missed last night’s airing on NHK of the show featuring Ryue Nishizawa and Bakusho Mondai, it will be rerun February 2 at 15:15, and February 3 at 8:30 (on BS2). The page for the show also now includes more commentary from everyone involved (Japanese-only).
Ryue Nishizawa Vs. Bakusho Mondai
My friend Momo — she directed all the segments of Tokyo Eye that I appeared in — has completed work on a show for NHK that will feature architect Ryue Nishizawa (of SANAA) discussing various topics with comedians Bakusho Mondai. The show will air this Tuesday (January 27) at 23:00. From the screen grabs found…
TAB Event Listings on Sony Bravia TVs
Tokyo Art Beat invades Sony Bravia TVs! I’ll let Paul explain what this is all about.
Big in Japan
I don’t know what the hell is being said, but Jesper — our main man in Sweden — sends me a link to the Swedish TV series Big in Japan (Stor i Japan) in which, according to Jesper, “two Swedish guys/nerds are sent to Japan in an experiment to see if they can get famous…
My Tokyo on CNN
I was asked to contribute a piece to CNN for its MyCity_MyLife series, offering my take on the city of Tokyo — this week’s show covers 2007 Miss Universe winner Riyo Mori. You can read the piece here.
Patrick Macias Invades Tamori Club
The funniest thing for me about this clip is that I actually remember watching it on TV when it originally aired (maybe in 2002), before I ever met Patrick.