Category: TV

  • Atami no Sousakan

    I’m not a big fan of Japanese dramas in general, but there are the occasional series that I like to follow, usually something that my wife has been really enjoying. I would include Trick and Jikou Keisatsu in that bunch, and now Atami no Sousakan. Atami is a new Twin Peaks-ish mystery produced by the…

  • Jonze Directs Pitt for Softbank

    Brad Pitt has been in tons of TV commercials for mobile provider Softbank, but it’s interesting to note that his latest ad — you can watch it here — in which he plays assistant to retired sumo wrestler Musashimaru was directed by Spike Jonze. Via Slashfilm.

  • Get That Hot Pepper Out of My Head

    This is a commercial that’s been airing recently on TV for the discount/coupon free paper Hot Pepper, featuring Kaela Kimura and Snoopy. I post it because I see it all the time, and am now at a point where it plays automatically in my head when idle. Via Japan Probe.

  • Uniqlo Parka Style CM

    I’ve seen it countless times on TV, but I still get a kick out of the latest Uniqlo CM — I especially like the bit with NOMOTO Karia singing Readymade style.

  • More on Nishizawa

    In case you missed last night’s airing on NHK of the show featuring Ryue Nishizawa and Bakusho Mondai, it will be rerun February 2 at 15:15, and February 3 at 8:30 (on BS2). The page for the show also now includes more commentary from everyone involved (Japanese-only).

  • Ryue Nishizawa Vs. Bakusho Mondai

    My friend Momo — she directed all the segments of Tokyo Eye that I appeared in — has completed work on a show for NHK that will feature architect Ryue Nishizawa (of SANAA) discussing various topics with comedians Bakusho Mondai. The show will air this Tuesday (January 27) at 23:00. From the screen grabs found…

  • TAB Event Listings on Sony Bravia TVs

    Tokyo Art Beat invades Sony Bravia TVs! I’ll let Paul explain what this is all about.

  • Big in Japan

    I don’t know what the hell is being said, but Jesper — our main man in Sweden — sends me a link to the Swedish TV series Big in Japan (Stor i Japan) in which, according to Jesper, “two Swedish guys/nerds are sent to Japan in an experiment to see if they can get famous…

  • My Tokyo on CNN

    I was asked to contribute a piece to CNN for its MyCity_MyLife series, offering my take on the city of Tokyo — this week’s show covers 2007 Miss Universe winner Riyo Mori. You can read the piece here.

  • Patrick Macias Invades Tamori Club

    The funniest thing for me about this clip is that I actually remember watching it on TV when it originally aired (maybe in 2002), before I ever met Patrick.