Category: Media

  • Dances With Wolves

    I remembered this being a long movie, but four hours!?! It even has an intermission in the middle! You’d think it would come off as overindulgent (being Costner’s directorial debut and all) but I found myself really enjoying this, and didn’t really feel like there are parts that shouldn’t be there (although I did watch…

  • Akira Kurosawa’s Dreams

    I do remember watching this back in the day and not really enjoying it. I didn’t really remember any aspect of the film, just that it wasn’t for me, and that made me pretty excited to revisit it at this point in my life to see how I would feel this time. Since it’s an…

  • The Hunt for Red October

    Even though I love this movie, I waited quite a while to watch it during this marathon because I had already revisited it a few years ago while doing a rewatch of all the Jack Ryan films (ahead of the start of the Jack Ryan TV series). But despite it still being relatively fresh in…

  • Presumed Innocent

    I enjoyed watching this. It starts off slow, and at first I wasn’t really into Ford’s glum performance, but the story does get quite good, and luckily I had forgotten how it ends, so I didn’t know what to expect — really didn’t see that ending coming, even though I definitely watched this back in…

  • Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael

    I was probably just in the right mood for this, because I don’t think it’s an especially good film, but I found myself really enjoying it. Just a sorta feel-good teen drama of the era, and hey, it stars Winona Ryder, which is a-ok with me. Going in I didn’t really remember anything about it,…

  • Goodfellas

    What a great film. I’m pretty sure I haven’t re-watched this since back in the day, and so I was pretty fresh going in, not really remembering how the story went. I think it’s also interesting to see this after The Irishman, as you can draw some interesting parallels — not just the presence of…

  • Robocop 2

    I know that the sequels never had a good reputation, but I was expecting to have fun watching this, and I didn’t. I was especially struck by how badly the “world building” has aged — I feel like the first Robocop still feels relatively “near future,” while this feels squarely as 80s a setting as…

  • Wild at Heart

    It was fun getting back into this era of Lynch, and I also got a big kick out of seeing so much of the Twin Peaks cast in this (the series was happening around this time even, although most are Lynch regulars anyway). It’s weird, it’s wild, in all the right ways. I quite like…