Category: Magazines
Matsudo Paper
Matsudo Paper looks like a beautifully produced project to promote the city of Matsudo. There’s more to see in this post on Canvas.
Portraits for Fujingaho
My buddy Luis created lovely portraits for the editors/bloggers of Fujingaho, the oldest woman’s magazine in Japan (you’ll see them on this page).
Kawa 3
Here’s a look at the third issue of the lovely illustrated zine, Kawa.
Let Her Paint
I love this colorful fashion shoot (and more here) by Tokyo-based photographer Chris Mollison for Rogue magazine.
Patlabor the Fanzine
My buddy Matt Schley brings to my attention a fantastic zine (3rd issue) that he’s produced with a group of people — under the Colony Drop monicker — that is dedicated to one of those classic anime series you should watch if you haven’t (or as they describe it, “the one giant robot show that’s…
Ami Sioux Tokyo 35ºN
I’m very happy to see my ex-OK Fred Radio partners — and current creators of Too Much magazine — release their first book under the Too Much: Romantic Geographic Archive label (a “new book series [that] will focus on archiving individual memory of place, providing invaluable documentation of a world in a state of flux”).…
The Pico Game Bundle
I’m a huge fun of the game-themed book bundles that Simon Carless curates for StoryBundle — I’ve happily bought every single one of them, even though I still have plenty to read. A new one came out this past week, and I’d say it’s even extra special as it’s themed around my friend Joseph White‘s…