Category: Magazines

  • Matsudo Paper

    Matsudo Paper looks like a beautifully produced project to promote the city of Matsudo. There’s more to see in this post on Canvas.

  • Portraits for Fujingaho

    My buddy Luis created lovely portraits for the editors/bloggers of Fujingaho, the oldest woman’s magazine in Japan (you’ll see them on this page).

  • Kawa 3

    Here’s a look at the third issue of the lovely illustrated zine, Kawa.

  • Let Her Paint

    I love this colorful fashion shoot (and more here) by Tokyo-based photographer Chris Mollison for Rogue magazine.

  • Patlabor the Fanzine

    My buddy Matt Schley brings to my attention a fantastic zine (3rd issue) that he’s produced with a group of people — under the Colony Drop monicker — that is dedicated to one of those classic anime series you should watch if you haven’t (or as they describe it, “the one giant robot show that’s…

  • Ami Sioux Tokyo 35ºN

    I’m very happy to see my ex-OK Fred Radio partners — and current creators of Too Much magazine — release their first book under the Too Much: Romantic Geographic Archive label (a “new book series [that] will focus on archiving individual memory of place, providing invaluable documentation of a world in a state of flux”).…

  • Kawa 2

    I wrote a post about the Kawa zine last month, and here’s a great look at the just-released 2nd issue, covering places to visit in Yokohama. Found via Canvas.

  • The Pico Game Bundle

    I’m a huge fun of the game-themed book bundles that Simon Carless curates for StoryBundle — I’ve happily bought every single one of them, even though I still have plenty to read. A new one came out this past week, and I’d say it’s even extra special as it’s themed around my friend Joseph White‘s…