Category: Games

  • GTA with an Anime Twist

    Video of a mod for the game GRAND THEFT AUTO, with an anime twist. Disturbing. Via Core77.

  • Tokyo Game Show 2007

    As mentioned previously, today I’m over at the Tokyo Game Show 2007, doing some coverage for Kotaku. Last year I wasn’t able to make it to the press/business days, and barely had a chance to try out games on the public days (the lines were a bit crazy), but this time I’m actually getting some…

  • More Tees from The King of Games

    Previously only available on the Japanese site, The King of Games have now added a few tees for sale to the English site, including the two you see here.

  • Kotaku Tokyo Party

    With most of the Kotaku editors in town for the Tokyo Game Show, it’s only natural that they’d organize some sort of Kotaku shindig. It happens tomorrow night (September 18) at Mother in Shimokitazawa. Here are more details: For those keen on attending, here is the info you’ve been waiting for! We’ll be having the…

  • Xbox 360 Woes

    I feel really bad for my friend Brian. His Xbox 360, which recently died for a second time about a month back, was finally returned after about 3 weeks, and 5 minutes after plugging it in… it died again! For years I’ve ranted against Microsoft and the Xbox — the only major console of the…

  • PingMag: Halo 3 Environments

    PingMag interviews illustrator Ken Taya, an environment artist on the upcoming HALO 3 game (which I can’t wait to play).

  • Points: 8-Bit Cafe and 16 Shots

    Jason DeGroot has just launched a new series of game-related videos for called POINTS. The first episode (#00) is up and covers two great videogame-related bars in Shinjuku, 8-Bit Cafe and 16 Shots. You can read more about them here. The episode also appears as part of this week’s NOT THE 1UP SHOW (12).

  • Heaveny Sword Animated Shorts

    In anticipation of the upcoming HEAVENLY SWORD game for the PS3, a series of animated shorts, HEAVENLY SWORD: LEGEND OF THE SWORD, are being released. Originally intended for a membership-only service, they’ve been popping up online, which is great news for us because they really do look terrific (even if the storyline is ho-hum). Via…

  • TB.Jogo 3

    What is TB.Jogo? Find out here. Brad Douglas: It’s the post-E3 edition! Jean Snow: Yeah, it was a big week for game news. So, what got you all hot and bothered? BD: First off, I’m sure you can guess, I was all about CALL OF DUTY 4. Holy crap! The graphics! JS: Oh yeah, that…

  • Mizuguchi’s Virtual Tokyo in Second Life

    I gave SECOND LIFE a try earlier this year and couldn’t get into it, but I am curious to see what game designer Tetsuya Mizuguchi (REZ, LUMINES) will do when he creates a virtual Tokyo within the that world. More details from Joystiq here.