Category: Games

  • Porter + Space Invaders

    It’s no secret, I have an extreme love for Yoshida Kaban’s Porter line, and now comes this: next year sees Porter collaborating with Taito on a SPACE INVADERS series! Have a look at the entire line here. Via Kotaku. Update:Β The bags are already on sale. You can buy the green versions on Rakuten, and KDDI…

  • License Plate Match Game

    Lisa Katayama introduces us to the license plate math game.

  • KOG Zelda Hoodies Back in Stock

    The King of Games’ Zelda 20th Anniversary hoodie, you know you love them — I love mine — and now they’re back in stock (with a new color even, now in navy), so go and get one before they sell out again!

  • Points 02

    A new episode of Jason DeGroot’s POINTS series is up (02), featuring a talk with Dylan Cuthbert, president of Kyoto-based Q-Games.

  • MIDI + Mario = Goodness

    I’m in love with this, music from SUPER MARIO BROS. by way of MIDI and then visualized with something called the Music Animation Machine player. Via Kotaku.

  • Game Center CX

    Brian Ashcraft writes up comedian Shinya Arino and his popular videogame-related TV show GAME CENTER CX for the latest issue of WIRED. also includes a look at the set.

  • Fez + 6955 = Awesome

    Jason DeGroot, aka 6955, has done the music and sound effects for the upcoming game FEZ by Kokoromi Collective, which you can hear and see in this trailer.

  • Nintendo Museum EP

    Jason DeGroot has released the tracks he produced (under his 6955 monicker) for his Nintendo Museum video report. You’ll find them here.

  • KOG + Earthbound/MOTHER

    THE KING OF GAMES have just released a new collection of t-shirts, this time for the classic EARTHBOUND game (or MOTHER, as it’s called in Japan). Pre-orders start October 6, and the tees will ship mid-November.

  • Points 01

    The second episode of Jason DeGroot‘s POINTS series (following #0) is up on its own, after being first shown as part of the latest episode of the 1UP SHOW. It covers two great game-related shops, Meteor and Suteki (more details here).