Category: Books
The Humument App
Now this is a very cool idea for an iPad book-related app: In 1966 British artist Tom Phillips set himself a task: to find a second-hand book for threepence and alter every page by painting, collage and cut-up techniques thereby creating an entirely new version. He titled his altered book A Humument. The first version…
Kindle iPad App Adds Double Columns
The Kindle app for iPad has just received an update, and it adds a feature I’ve long wanted: When you read in landscape mode, it now shows up as two columns. So far, it’s one of the main reasons I preferred reading books in iBooks, because having two columns like that (or two paperback-like pages)…
Let’s Get Non-Physical
Some more interesting musings by Warren Ellis in regards to digital comics, this time using the success of his free-to-read online web comic FREAKANGELS as an example. Now combine this with iPad delivery, and you have a strong case for comic creators making the move to digital-mostly, with maybe the additions of printed collections for…
A Beautiful Future for Digital Books
If you haven’t watched it yet, do take the time to take a look at the conceptual video IDEO has put together, presenting three possible experiences that digital books on a tablet could offer. It’s pretty interesting stuff, and although most comments seem to be excited about the first example (“Nelson”) — which is sort…
I Live in the Future, and It’s on the iPad
I rather like Nick Bilton‘s tech coverage for The New York Times — he runs the Bits blog — and this week he has a new book out called I Live in the Future & Here’s How It Works. I quite want to read the book, but the reason I bring it up here is…
Designing Obama for iPad
Good news for those of us who can’t afford the beautiful — but $80 — Designing Obama book by Scott Thomas, which covers how design was brilliantly used during the Obama campaign (Thomas was the campaign’s design director). The project was funded through Kickstarter earlier this year, and with the print version now shipping, we…
Japanese Schoolgirl Confidential
I just posted something about the new book Japanese Schoolgirl Confidential on SNOW Magazine, but wanted to mention it here too. It’s Brian Ashcraft’s follow-up to Arcade Mania, to which I contributed, and I can assure you that fans of AM will absolutely love Confidential too. It’s done in the same style and was edited…