Category: Game Boy
Game Boy 005 – Faves (Part 2)
“Game Boy” is a weekly column in which I write about being a game developer working in Montreal. You’ll find them all under this category, and it starts here. Last week I started going through a list of games for which I answered the following question: “What are your favorite games for platforms you’ve owned?” (from a social media…
Game Boy 004 – Faves (Part 1)
“Game Boy” is a weekly column in which I write about being a game developer working in Montreal. You’ll find them all under this category, and it starts here. In early January there was a meme making the rounds on social networks asking you to answer the following question: “What are your favorite games for platforms you’ve…
Game Boy 003 – League
“Game Boy” is a weekly column in which I write about being a game developer working in Montreal. You’ll find them all under this category, and it starts here. I don’t think I’ve ever played as much Magic: The Gathering as I do since working at game studios. It’s no secret that I love board and card…
Game Boy 002 – GDC
“Game Boy” is a weekly column in which I write about being a game developer working in Montreal. You’ll find them all under this category, and it starts here. I’m going to GDC this year. This is a statement I’ve been wanting to make for years and years (probably at least a decade), and I’m…
Game Boy 001 – Start
As I wrote at the start of the year, I want to try something new this year on my blog, and so I’ve decided to try writing a weekly column/post, starting today. I’ve quite enjoyed the past year and a half of blogging I’ve done, after a hiatus of a few years. I liked the…