Category: Society

  • LOHAS for Everyone

    You’ve probably noticed me using the term LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability) often in my “This Week in Magazines” posts, since it’s become a favorite topic of quite a few magazines. If you’re not really quite sure what the term represents and how it got started, last week’s issue of METROPOLIS had an informative…

  • Hyper-Speed Product Proliferation

    Since, you know, “the super-techno cyberpunk Shinto Japanese like speed” so much, it’s only fitting that they would distribute their products in a fitting manner. See what Marxy has to say on the subject.

  • Speed Tribes

    Marxy offers up some thoughts on Karl Taro Greenfeld’s 1995 look at Japanese youth culture, SPEED TRIBES. I’m quite interested by the reading suggestions he makes at the end of the piece, things I haven’t had a chance to read (I’m so behind on book reading actually, finding it hard to get through books these…

  • Animal Fun

    I’ve alluded a few times to the fact that Yuko has developed a bit of an obsession over DOUBUTSU NO MORI (ANIMAL CROSSING) and that I’ve pretty much lost access to my DS because of it — I won’t tell you how many hours she plays a day, but I think you can already figure…

  • Japanesque Modern

    From Kyodo News, under the title “Businesses, academia launch ‘Japanesque modern’ campaign”: Leading businesses including Matsushita Electric Industrial Co and Toyota Motor Corp as well as universities and designers launched a three-year campaign Saturday to heighten Japan’s brand image based on its traditional culture. A total of 48 companies, seven schools, 11 industrial groups and…

  • The Love of Sleep

    One thing I always appreciate when Momus spends time in Japan is that his blog, Click Opera, suddenly gets a very heavy Japan focus. Today, the topic is sleep, and he also connects it to the magazine KU:NEL. In a related note, when I was talking with the staff at Cafe Pause this week about…

  • Onsen Bound

    Momus gets excited about onsen again.

  • Mamido Burger

    What you’re seeing in the above image are in fact sweets made up to look like your typical burger combo. Patrick has more on the Mamido Burger stand in Shibuya.