Category: Society
PingMag: Guerilla Green
PingMag covers a phenomenon any Tokyo resident is very much used to seeing: the desire by some to add green to the city in a variety of ways, but mostly by creating islands of flowerpots.
Mobile Post Office
Japan Post has launched Japan’s first mobile post office in the form of the van pictured above. It includes an ATM, and is set to be used in the Aichi prefecture’s rural areas — last year’s privatization saw lots of closings of regional offices. Via Japan Today.
Tokyo Camouflage
A reader sent me a link to this article, and I’m having trouble believing THE NEW YORK TIMES would publish something like this. Camouflage vending machine costumes? Come on, this is fodder for tabloids or even THE ONION.
A Look at the Sex Trafficking Industry in Japan
My friend Lisa writes the feature for this week’s edition of METROPOLIS (673). Despite tough new laws, Japan’s sex trafficking industry is booming. Meet one of its most tragic victims.
Even though urban renewal can be an exciting topic — I’m a sucker for big projects that “positively” transform neighborhoods — Joi Ito tears down the “Chuoism” happening out in Chiba.
The Urawaza Way
Lisa has a fun piece in the new issue of WIRED (14.10) on the Japanese urawaza (secret tricks) phenomenon. I love how they illustrated the article.
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Neomarxisme but Were Afraid to Ask
I think the title says it all, behold: “Master Topic List for First-Time Neomarxisme Readers.” Basically, it’s your way to get to all of Marxy’s best essays.