Kyupi Kyupi Grand Kayo Show Cabarotica


I so want to see this. I saw a video installation by Kyupi Kyupi at the Jam show a while back, and loved the hell out of it.

The unit led by video artist Ishibashi Yoshimasa of “Oh! Mikey” fame. This entertainment supreme, immensely popular in the Kansai region, hits Tokyo. Heart-wrenchingly fast video projections, dance by heteromorphic characters Fish Heads and Panoranoia Dancers, as well as chantress Wakeshima Mami debuting her Showa ballads in a full-body direct-hit. Kansai-style gags tempered with touches of eroticism makes for good vibes and a little spice. Kyoto shows make brilliant use of old architecture; in Tokyo they consciously chose spaces devoid of history. Hats off to spirit of service that offers wine and nudity. (REALTOKYO)


Happens at Spiral in Aoyama on August 18-30. I hear they have a new DVD out, which I would love to have. I wish I wasn’t broke right now.

Update: Here’s an article from the DAILY YOMIURI.