A Summer of PKN & PT

It’s been a while since my last update, I know, but things keep on keeping.

On the PechaKucha Night side of things, since April we held events both in May (Vol. 36, themed on “gaming”) and July (Vol. 37) at our usual venue of Studio 9. The July event marked the start of a “triple header” as we’re doing 3 events in 3 consecutive months: our Vol. 38 on August 15 at Studio 9 is again a themed event, this time focusing on “Architecture & Design,” while our September event (Vol. 39) will be held as part of the S-Tron event, which is a huge celebration of tech/start-up culture. The date for the latter isn’t finalized yet, but it should be on the 20th or 21st (Friday or Saturday).

The crowd at last week’s PechaKucha Night in Shanghai Vol. 37 (held on Thursday, July 25)

After all that, we’ll have one last event for 2024, in November, which will be our Vol. 40 — with no theme planned. The venue for that event has not yet been confirmed, but we’re likely to try a new space.

As for PauseTalk, as my last post announced, there was indeed one in April (Vol. 89), and then also one in June (Vol. 90), both held at the Bananafish Books flagship store in Shanghai (Bananafish New HQ), a space located in my neighborhood that I discovered and fell in love with, and so I was very happy that they let me use their workshop room for the sessions. The next edition, Vol. 91, is likely to be on Thursday, August 22, but I’m still waiting to confirm the venue.

PauseTalk Vol. 90 held at Bananafish New HQ on Thursday, June 20

And so there you have it, lots of PKNs and PTs still on the go.