I thought this week’s Samurai Jack was a bit on the weak side, but I did enjoy the coming together of Jack and Aki — yes, it was bound to happen, but it was still satisfying to see them embrace at the end. Tangled was Tangled (I like the series for the animation more than the story), and then I kicked off the second season of Mickey Mouse shorts with “Cable Car Chaos” and “Fire Escape.” For this week’s Looney Tunes short (or Merry Melodies, rather), I watched “Duck Amuck” (pictured), which is definitely one of the all-time classics — it’s just so deliciously meta, and feels quite avant-garde. I capped things off with some Ren & Stimpy, in the form of “Robin Hoek,” with a little Powdered Toast Man mixed in.
Sunday Morning Cartoon Cavalcade Vol. 8