Month: September 2016
Destiny: Rise of Iron
Well, after leaving the game for close to a year (the last time I played was I think in December, when they had the Sparrow racing event), as the time was coming for the release of this expansion, I decided to re-install the game. Feeling rusty, I went ahead and created a new character, and…
I thought this was a pretty fun movie. The absolute star of the show for me is Kate McKinnon – pretty much any scene that focuses on her is great and weird and funny (and her action sequence towards the end with the ecto guns is actually really cool to watch). Chris Hemsworth was also…
Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV
I’m going to go against the grain and say that I actually quite enjoyed watching Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV. My friend James didn’t like it much, as he wrote in this review, and although I can’t fault a lot of the points he brings up, I was dazzled by the visuals. The action sequences are…
Mashikaku is a beautiful typography project that is composed of over 9000 characters, all done in a super angular structure that is inspired by an old form of typeset used in advertising during the Edo era. Read more about it in this Spoon & Tamago post. I quite like the items you can get printed by them,…
The only thing I’ll say about Piko-Taro — the character performed by comedian Kosaka Daimaou, who is blowing up right now with his “Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen” video — is that my favorite part of the whole thing is the logo and jingle that plays at the start of each of his videos (and then the short “piko” at…
Black Hole
Pictured here is a new piece by Tokyo-based artist Andrew Browne, which he produced for this short story. It’s done with a ballpoint pen on paper. I also really like Andrew’s Buddha Vader (or Darth Buddha, take your pick). Found via Canvas.
Nine Leaves
I really love the branding work done here for Nine Leaves, a Japanese craft rum. It was produced by Yasu Kageyama, a creative director at Brew. Found via Canvas.
Tokyo Compression
I remember seeing Michael Wolf‘s “Tokyo Compression” series — photos taken of people commuting on the train — a while back, and was reminded of it through this post on Fubiz. I’ve definitely had my face in a position like this.