Month: August 2016
Nintendo Monthly iPhone Wallpapers
I use the Line app once a month, and for the exact same reason every time: to check the new messages from the official Japanese Nintendo account, for the purpose of downloading the new iPhone calendar wallpaper it shares each month. Pictured above, the wallpapers we’ve gotten for July, August, and September (which is now adorning…
Hidden My Game By Mom
Right now I’m enjoying the hell out of a strange little iOS game called Hidden My Game By Mom – Escape Room, developed by Hap Inc. It’s a pretty simple concept — your mom hides your portable game machine, and you try to find it — but it’s done in such an adorable way, and…
Astro Boy: Edge of Time
I wrote about my experience playing the demo that was released alongside the just-launched Kickstarter campaign for the Astro Boy: Edge of Time digital card game, but I wanted to bring it up here as well as a project that I want to highlight. I liked the demo (more of a tech test of the…
Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV
Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV isn’t a game, but rather a CG-animated movie that acts as an intro to the world that will be depicted in the upcoming Final Fantasy XV game. My buddy James Mielke just reviewed the film for Rolling Stone (as part of its Glixel initiative, which will culminate in a proper game…
All that classic music you’ve heard in Taito games? It was created by Zuntata, and the great news is that 114 albums of its game music can be found on iTunes — and more importantly, available to stream through Apple Music. I don’t tend to listen to game music outside of the context of playing…
Famicom Titler
Just look at this gorgeous machine. Released in 1989 by Sharp, only in Japan, its purpose was to allow better video capture of Famicom (NES) games. Read more about its history in and use in this Kotaku post. I mostly lust for those controllers with the big “1” and “2” graphics on them.
Yuriko Kotani
I’m a huge comedy nerd, and love American stand-up as well as Japan-style manzai comedy. It was therefore interesting for me to come across this video clip of UK-based comedian Yuriko Kotani, who brings a Japanese sensibility to the Western art of stand-up. The routine in the video is pretty funny, but the kicker is…
Let Me Go EP
Baiyon, you know him from a great many things, like his work on PixelJunk Eden, or that he’s creative director at Kyoto-based Q-Games. But don’t forget that he’s first and foremost a musician, and this new EP, Let Me Go, is well worth a listen.