Last night I was re-watching the Dragon Quest episode of AmeTalk (which originally aired late last year) and although it was fun, it made me realize how DQ illiterate I really am – I’ve only played 4 (the updated version with 3D graphics that was released on the DS), 8, and 9. Since these games are now all available on iOS (up to 8 at least) I decided to grab the first one, which sells for about 3 bucks. I started playing on iPad, which is where I usually play iOS games, but found that the on-screen virtual control wasn’t comfortable to use on the big screen, and so started again from iPhone – which is definitely better, and you can tell that that’s the screen this iOS version was designed for. I’ve only played a bit so far, levelling up a few times, but I’m enjoying the simplistic story/gameplay so far, a nice change of pace from everything else I’m playing these days.