Month: December 2008

  • Rooftecture S and Shell House

    Two new Japanese house projects from Designboom: Shuhei Endo’s Rooftecture S (above) in Kobe and Kotaro Ide’s Shell House in Karuizawa.

  • Zoom Into Arcade Mania

    Well, lots of great things happening for Arcade Mania these days. Not only is it now available on Amazon in the US (and a few other countries), but NTV’s Zoom In!! Super morning show had a 10-minute feature on it this morning, including an interview with Brian (above) — he writes more about the experience…

  • Ebi-Chan, the Morning After

    Neojaponisme covers Ebi-chan’s “graduation” from CanCam.

  • C1 House

    More architectural coverage at Designboom, this time the C1 House, designed by Curiosity and Milligram Studio.

  • Tokyo Plate

    Rios Clementi Hale Studios has produced a new series of plates featuring city maps. Pictured above, Tokyo. Via Designboom.

  • Aluminum-Ring House

    Designboom takes a look at Atelier Tekuto‘s Aluminum-Ring House.

  • PauseTalk Tonight

    Just a reminder that tonight (Monday, December 1) marks this month’s edition of PauseTalk (Vol. 27). Start time is 20:00, as usual. Also, please note that there will be no edition in January, because of the holidays. Hope to see many of you there, to help wrap up 2008!