Month: December 2008
Rooftecture S and Shell House
Two new Japanese house projects from Designboom: Shuhei Endo’s Rooftecture S (above) in Kobe and Kotaro Ide’s Shell House in Karuizawa.
Zoom Into Arcade Mania
Well, lots of great things happening for Arcade Mania these days. Not only is it now available on Amazon in the US (and a few other countries), but NTV’s Zoom In!! Super morning show had a 10-minute feature on it this morning, including an interview with Brian (above) — he writes more about the experience…
C1 House
More architectural coverage at Designboom, this time the C1 House, designed by Curiosity and Milligram Studio.
Tokyo Plate
Rios Clementi Hale Studios has produced a new series of plates featuring city maps. Pictured above, Tokyo. Via Designboom.
PauseTalk Tonight
Just a reminder that tonight (Monday, December 1) marks this month’s edition of PauseTalk (Vol. 27). Start time is 20:00, as usual. Also, please note that there will be no edition in January, because of the holidays. Hope to see many of you there, to help wrap up 2008!