Month: December 2008
Saint’s Row 2 CM in Japan
This is how they’re selling Saint’s Row 2 in Japan — I think it’s great. Also, I’d like to give some huge thumbs up on that game. It may not have the sheen of Grand Theft Auto IV, but I might have actually had more fun with SR2. It’s an absolute blast. Via Mark Cooke.
PauseTalk Vol. 27
I’m a bit late on this, but I realized today that I never put up a follow-up post after the December edition of PauseTalk (Vol. 27). It was actually a bit of a strange evening, with a very low attendance, and the people who did show up were pretty much all veterans, and it mostly…
Abaco Magazine
Abaco Magazine is a downloadable photo-heavy PDF zine created by two Italians in Tokyo, Alessandro Silvestri and Flavio Parisi. Reminds me of my old Geisha zine, which only very, VERY old readers of this site will remember.
Fashion Trends of 2008 in Japan
It’s the end of the year, so time to look back on 2008, and if Japanese consumer trends and fashion are your thing, then Mekas’ “2008: The Year in Trends” feature is for you. Also includes great photography by Sean Wood.
Joi Ito’s Freesouls
Really love this project by Joi Ito: Freesouls, a book of portraits taken by him. Pictured above is the “Luxury Boxed Set,” but even just the book alone features a really nice design. The first offering is composed of a limited print run of 1024 (50 for the boxed set). You can order it here.