If you’re reading this post in a browser and not a feed reader (well, unless you’re doing it through Bloglines, which happens to be my reader of choice) you’ll notice an updated theme, and it’s of course in support of the next event I’m producing at Cafe Pause (which is now pictured in the site’s banner): Canadian Style. What you’re seeing above (and in the sidebar) is the logo I created for the event (thanks go out to Jesper for giving help to the Illustrator-challenged — I’m a born and raised Photoshop boy), and you can expect to see it on a lot of CS-related things, including, of course, a t-shirt (of which there will be two versions: white and red). As I mentioned before, it will take place February 1-12, and the plan is to have an opening party February 4 (a Saturday). As for what exactly will take place, expect various installations (visual/graphic/audio), as well as a special food/drink menu. I’ll keep you all posted on things as they develop throughout the month.
Canadian Style