Month: October 2005

  • Pecha Kucha Night Vol. 27

    I went to my first Pecha Kucha Night at SuperDeluxe earlier tonight, and had a great time. I’ve never attended because I only get back home around 9 on Wednesdays, and with the event always starting at 7:30-8, I never figured it was worth going. But I had to meet some people about an article,…

  • T-Shirt and Snapazoo Sales

    I promised the other day that I would give more details on how to order Mamma Gun t-shirts and Swedish Style Snapazoos, and so here goes. The Snapazoos (for more info on the Snapazoos, visit the official Laughtoys website) came in today, so are now available. They go for 1680 yen, and are yellow/blue (not…

  • Lapnet Ship and Lapnet Club

    A few pics from the Toshiko Kimura “Nothing Happened in the Forest” exhibition at Lapnet Ship, and “Studio Poco Photo Exhibition #002 — Oh! Delicious!” at Lapnet Club.

  • Camouflage Vol. 07

    I know I’ve been harping on and on about our “Son of a Gun” birthday party, part of the Mamma Gun festivities, at Cafe Pause on November 5 — I will see you there, right? — but the event will end at 24:00, and so for those looking to prolong the evening, let me point…

  • On Design Is Online

    This month’s “On Design” for THE JAPAN TIMES is now online. In it I go over a few items (Yamaha’s EC-O2, Toshiba’s Wearable Star collection, and the Plusminuszero Humidifier) that made it in the Good Design Award’s “Best 15,” and then add some things I feel should have made the cut (Makoto Saito’s Penck and…

  • The Omotesando Hills Debate Continues

    The Omotesando Hills debate continues with Momus throwing in his 2 cents. Me? I’m definitely with Momus on this one.

  • d/g* Tokyo Job Postings

    I often get emails from designers asking about work in Tokyo, and so here’s some info on some job openings at the Tokyo offices of the Desgrippes Gobé Group: d/g* tokyo is looking for creative and team spirited designers, production artists and 3D designers to join our creative team to work on projects for national…

  • Yoshioka and Toyota

    Tokujin Yoshioka’s website (see the news section) has been updated with pics of the Toyota booth he created for Tokyo Motor Show 2005 (happening now). More highlights from the event here. Links via And speaking of Yoshioka, while I was at yesterday I picked up a pamphlet announcing an exhibition he’ll be having…