Month: October 2005

  • Izmojuki

    I love the techno-based illustrations found at the Izmojuki site.

  • Ta en PAUS

    Jesper working hard at Cafe Pause, making sure the Mamma Gun will rock.

  • The Son of a Gun

    I couldn’t really let a day pass by without any mention of Mamma Gun, so I offer this pic of the main man behind the whole thing, Jesper Larsson, taken 2 days ago for a magazine article. He arrives in Tokyo today, and I’m sure my world is going to get turned upside down. Oh,…

  • Tokyo Design Week Preview

    My JAPAN TIMES article covering the big four design events being held next week is now online. I will follow-up next month with a longer diary-style piece that will highlight the best (and maybe the worst) of what I’ll be taking in next week.

  • Beauty for Free!!

    And since I’m mentioning unusual events happening during next week’s design celebrations, how about some beauty improvements from the “Mystery of Beauty” team for free? From their “Beauty for Free!” site: According to our slogan “Beauty for free!!” we will provide various, unusual ways in order to improve your beauty instantly and free of charge.…

  • Fresh Touch

    Something I think you won’t want to miss during Tokyo Design Week: a French-Japanese food design exhibition called “Fresh Touch.” Sounds… delicious! It also reminds of the — saddly — now defunct EAT magazine. Catch it at Laune Galerie, November 2-6 (10:30-19:00).

  • Kokuhaku

    I wanted to clear things up, following some comments on the Jim Frederick involvement with the recently published Japanese Charles Jenkins autobiography. I checked with Jim, and KOKUHAKU is indeed the book he wrote with Jenkins. When the publisher asked if he wanted to be mentioned in the Japanese edition, he decided that it wasn’t…

  • Sin City Bar

    The temporary Sin City bar in Aoyama.