I really feel like picking up the album RE.SORT by Sora (actually Takeshi Kurosawa). Here’s the review on REALTOKYO:

The Plop label introduces with sora another original artist who presents on his first album an extremely well-balanced mix of playfully twisted electronic textures, acoustic sounds and carefully programmed rhythms. Jumping from electronica via ambient to relaxed pieces with a touch of bossa nova here and there, sora creates a type of jazz fans of Jan Jelinek will like. Representative is track 3, which develops from a minimal, electronic intro to a lounge bar number with acoustic bass and piano sounds, closed by decent applause from the “audience.” While cutting-edge programming gives the album a contemporary touch, accessible melodies and a slight Latin flavour make it a timeless, almost easy-listening experience with accents set especially in the steamy “jazz club” passages.

You can listen to 3 beautiful samples at the Plop label website.