We were in the mood for some Korean today, and so Yuko did a search on the Net for restaurants in our area, and we ended up finding this really great place called Sourutei. You would probably never find the place just walking around, as it’s in one of the back streets of Ikebukuro, in an area with lots of love hotels, and also on the 3rd floor of a building. The review she found mentioned that the place wasn’t much to look at, but that the food was worth a visit. Well, the place was definitely on the older side, but it had an atmosphere that I sort of liked (I’ll admit to liking old diners though). The food was cheap and good, and I can honestly say that the bibimbap I had was tastier than the one I had a few weeks ago in Seoul. The place was run by a couple of Korean women, and they explained to us that the taste is a bit different from what you would get in Korea, more suited to the Japanese palate (guess I’m turning Japanese). We’ll definitely be making regular visits, and I’m already planning on having some Korean style sukiyaki next time I go.